Liquid Solutions Prepares to Bring the Orbo ‘Never Die’ Battery to Market (Press Release)

This is a press release from Irish company Liquid Solutions

Embargoed until 7pm GMT, 28 October 2015

Liquid Solutions Prepares to Bring the Orbo ‘Never Die’ Battery to Market

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Liquid Solutions, the only Irish producer of certified e juice for e cigarettes, today announces it has licensed the revolutionary Orbo battery technology from Steorn to deliver an e cigarette that never needs charging.

Waterford based Liquid Solutions, the makers of Wicked e-juice, has been working with Steorn for the past three years to bring the never-die Orbo battery to market. This revolutionary move will allow consumers of e cigarettes never to charge the batteries in their e cigarettes again. In three short years, Liquid Solutions has created a battery small enough to fit into an e cigarette and still retain the self charging properties of Orbo.

Killian McGrath, founder of Liquid Solutions, recognized the impact of Orbo when first presented with the technology. The never die battery is the holy grail of all mobile device manufacturers. Increasingly people travel with energy banks, in-car chargers and charging points in public places. To replace the humble battery with an ever-charged Orbo battery is to revolutionize the mobile populace. Now the vaping community need never worry about charging their Wicked e cigarettes. We have a market winner.’

Dublin based Steorn headed up by Shaun McCarthy has enjoyed a roller coaster ride since its inception fifteen years ago. Their discovery of a constant energy source has attracted worldwide interest and criticism. Tonight (28 October 2015, 7pm GMT) the company is beginning a series of webinars introducing their Orbo never die battery. As part of that process, the partnership with Liquid Solutions will be broadcast.

In terms of timing, Liquid Solutions intends having its first Orbo vaping products available to the Irish marketplace within the next six months. The never die batteries will be available to purchase from