Plasmonics With a Twist: Taming Optical Tornadoes on the Nanoscale (Axil Axil)

The following post was submitted by Axil Axil

Plasmonics with a twist: taming optical tornadoes on the nanoscale

Nanoplasmonics provide many types of EMF amplification mechanisms. One of the more difficult mechanisms to understand is how a pile of nano and micro particles greatly amplify EMF. The reference provided in this post shows how the topology in the way particles aggregate explain how EMF is concentrated through vortex formation. The reference defines an analogy between a vortex and a gear. Like a funnel, a large particle gathers the energy from a wave of EMF far larger than its diameter, In the case of the Rossi system, this type particle is the 5 micron nickel particle.

This large particle produces a relatively huge vortex. Other particles of various sizes accumulate around the nickel particle. Each of these particles produce a vortex proportional to the size of the particle. These vortexes fit together like gears where the large vortex provides a large amount of power, and the other smaller vortexes provide a gear train that speeds up the rotation rate of the smaller gears down the train.

Finally, the smallest vortexes associated with hydrogen crystals, spin at high rates of speed providing large EMF power amplification.

The take away is that a large spread of particles sizes produced within an aggregation of particles generates the most powerful EMF amplification effects. This fact explaines why the “secret sauce” effect provides such a large EMF power amplification result. These alkali metal hydrides supply the intermediatly sized gears that allows the large nickel gears to transfer their vast store of energy with little loss to the smallest hydrogen based gears down a smoothly running vortex power transmission chain.

I venture to say that there is randomness associated with this particle aggregation process that enables a sort of natural selection where the most effective dust pile configurations provide the most EMF amplification. When there are an abundance of particles, the chances are good that some of these piles will be LENR capable. That is to say, when there are a large number of particles, the chances are good that some of their aggregates will produce EMF amplication great enough to catalyze nuclear effects.

There is also a certain lifetime associated with particle formation. Particle piles are constanly falling apart. These particle aggregates must be constantly rebuilt to maintain a sustained reaction rate.

Axil Axil